On the occasion of International day of yoga 2022, department of post issued many special pictorial cancellations and covers across the country. Following few special covers and cancellations are from my personal collection.
New Delhi: A special cover and pictorial cancellation released at New Delhi to commemorate this day.

Maharashtra: A special pictorial cancellation released at all the six philatelic bureaus in Maharashtra circle.

Assam: A special cover and pictorial cancellation released at Dibrugarh to commemorate this day.

Gujarat: A special pictorial cancellation released in all head offices under Karnataka postal circle to commemorate the occasion. The design of the cancellation was mostly same as it was in IDY 20221.

Jammu And Kashmir: A special cover released at Gandhinagar depicting 12 steps of Surya Namaskar.

Karnataka: A special pictorial cancellation released in all head offices under Karnataka postal circle to commemorate the occasion.

Odisha: To commemorate this occasion Odisha circle issued two different special pictorial cancellation at Bhubaneswar and Konark.

Tamilnadu: A special cover and pictorial cancellation released at Chennai to commemorate this day.

Credit for materials: Mr. Varad Kunte (Pune), Mr. Parvesh Gupta (Haryana), Mr. Nareshbhai Makwana (Gujarat), Dr. Nagaraj B Savanur (Karnataka) and Mrs. Reshma P.V. (Karnataka) and other friends across the country.
All these materials are from my personal collection and for information purpose only. This post doesn’t include all the releases happened to commemorate the IDY 2022. I will try to update the post with more released data from different circle once they are added in my collection.