Bhubaneswar Postal Division organized the District Level Virtual Philatelic Exhibition EKAMRAPEX -2021, during the period from 16th -17th November, 2021 in virtual mode on theme “India’s Rich Cultural Heritage”.

The two day long virtual exhibition was inaugurated by Mr. Aditya Kumar Nayak, Director of Postal Services, Odisha Circle. Among others Mr. Ajit Kumar Sethi, National Award winning teacher, Khyanika Das, Principal, BJEM School-2 and Mr. Anup Kumar Raut, eminent philatelist graced the occasion as Guests of Honor.
On the first day i.e. 16th October, 2021 of the exhibition, 1 special cover, 1 special pictorial cancellation and 5 picture postcards were released. The special cover was released on the theme “Mohan to Mahatma”.

The special pictorial cancellation released on the theme, “Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav” to commemorate 75 years of Independence of India.
The postmark depicts the logo of AKAM in hindi language.

A set of 5 beautiful picture postcards released on the theme “Khandagiri and Udayagiri”, which was proposed by Aspire, Bhubaneswar.

On the second day of the exhibition i.e. 17th October, 2021, 2 special covers, 1 special pictorial cancellation, 5 picture postcards and a set of 8 booklets were released.
Two special covers were released on the tourism theme. The first cover was based on the Chausathi Yogini Temple, Hirapur. The second cover depicts the Hot Spring of Atri.

The special pictorial cancellation released on the theme, “India’s Rich Cultural Heritage” depicting the heritage of temple city Bhubaneswar.
Pic: Special Cancellation “India’s Rich Cultural Heritage” on Postcard signed by the designer Mr. Ajit Kumar Raut

A set of 5 beautiful picture postcards released on the theme “Ekamrakshetra”, which was proposed by Aspire, Bhubaneswar.

A set of 8 booklets released to commemorate 8 visits of Mahatma Gandhi to Odisha.

Results of the Exhibition:

The two day long district level virtual philatelic exhibition came to an end on 17th November, 2021. The closing ceremony of EKAMRAPEX 2021 was held in the august presence of (from left) , Mr. Balakrishna Kar (Asst. Director, Odisha circle and departmental jury of EKAMRAPEX 2021), eminent philatelist Mr. Ajay Kumar Barik, Mr. Aditya Kumar Nayak, Director of Postal Services (Odisha Circle), National Award winning teacher Mr. Ashok Kumar Satpathy as Guest of Honor and Basanta Kumar Panda (Sr. Supdt. of Post Offices, Bhubaneswar Division).